Monday, December 17, 2012

Annika: Lost Pictures

The company that Josh was laid off from 2 years ago is now going out of business.  Hmmm...a mix of karma and bad business decisions.

Anyway, we still have one of Josh's old co-workers on a Facebook and she sent us some pictures of Annika they had in their computer system.  Annika is 6 months old in these pictures and we had her model some jewelry.  Josh used to take pictures of the products to put into the companies catalog so we thought it would be funny to use Annika as a model.  All she wanted to do was eat the necklaces!  None of the pictures actually made it into the catalog since it was printed after Josh was laid off 6 months later and I would have thrown a fit if the owner used any of them.

I did enjoy looking back at Annika when she was a baby!

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