Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Making Strides

On Saturday morning we went to the Make Strides for Breast Cancer walk right down the street from us.  We met a few of Josh's friends from work for the 3 mile walk.

There was a good turn out overall.  Josh saw a few people from his work but I didn't see a single person from my work and we usually participate, not sure what happened this year.

Josh and Annika with his friends from work.

Annabel got upset with the crowds of people and Annika tickled her to make her feel better.

Annika was ready to go!!

We aren't sure why she was making this nasty face!

After riding on Josh's shoulders for about 1/2 a mile she switched to one of our friends.

And then she was off!  Annika jogged the last 2 miles!

Family picture.

Group picture.

Me and sweet Annabel, her shirt says "Find a Cure Before I Grow Boobs", Annika wore the same shirt to the walk 2 years ago.

Annika saw a roach on a tree and ran away.

Me with our Tough Mudder ladies, we're on the team together in December.

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